Hello Lovelies,
Good morning to you! I know it's been forever and a day, and you probably thought I was never coming back, but alas, here I am! I'm sorry to have left you guys so abruptly. Things got a little busy and hectic and I apologize for not making more time for all of you!
Today is really more of a check in to let you know I'm not dead or anything. Things have been weird as of late, and I'm working my through it, but I need a little more time...so if you guys can stick it out for just a little bit longer, I promise I'll come back soon! I do want to remind all of you lovelies to do a little check in on your life. What I mean by that is check and see who you have in your life that constantly drains you or makes you do all of the work for your friendship, and think about cutting them out. That's something that I did just the other day. I had a bit of an epiphany that this friend of mine wasn't really a friend of mine, they were just taking up space. I kept making excuses and trying to make it work, doing all of the work for them, and that's bullcrap. A friend isn't someone that never responds to your texts. A friend isn't someone that sends back short one sentence texts. A friend isn't someone that you always worry you're bugging them if you text them. That's not a friend. Get rid of them. They don't deserve to be a part of your life. You are wonderful and magnificent and if they don't appreciate you and they make you work that hard just to be there in some capacity, they're not worth you. So, let them go! Be brave, and though it may hurt, let them go. I promise you, in the long run, you'll be so grateful and relieved to know you no longer have to try so hard. The way I look at it, it's taken me 27 years to like myself, I don't have that kind of time to convince someone else. So, either you see me for who I am, and you like me the way I am, or you don't. I don't need someone in my life that's going to be unsure of me and doubt me for the next 26 years, and then decide they like me. I'd be 53 if I did that, I don't need to waste all the time between now and then on someone that doesn't know if they want to be a part of my life or not.
So, with that, I urge all of you to be you. Do you! Cut out the people that don't make the cut. I promise you this: the universe will replace all of the toxic people you cut out! I promise! For every cheap, unauthentic person you cut out, the universe will give you an amazing, vibrant soul that resonates with you. Stay true to yourself because your vibe attracts your tribe. If you're a negative person, that's what you're going to attract; positive people don't want to be surrounded by negative nancy's. If you're a positive person, you're going to attract positive people, and you won't let negative people near you because you realize how toxic they are to your own positivity. So, be you. Be bold, be brave, be authentically you. The world will love you all the more for it, and we need YOU in this world, not a copy of someone else. So, let your own light and authenticity shine through, and the rest of us will shine with you and support you.
Welcome to Enchant Me Inspired. This is a community for creative individuals looking for some feel good vibes. Here, we are all about finding people that are looking to grow. If you love inspiration, creativity, introspection, and people changing their lives, then you've come to right place. Enjoy!
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