Welcome to Enchant Me Inspired. This is a community for creative individuals looking for some feel good vibes. Here, we are all about finding people that are looking to grow. If you love inspiration, creativity, introspection, and people changing their lives, then you've come to right place. Enjoy!
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Life Happens
I just wanted to give a quick heads up, let you know that I'm not dead! I know it's been awhile, but well, there's been some chaos in the last few weeks that took precedence over writing. What started as stressful enough of a time because of a move, has turned into a giant stress ball. So, I'm trying to find the positives, and I'm trying to keep thinking positively, and know that everything is going to turn out the way it's supposed to, but that's been really hard these last few weeks.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
How are you doing this beautiful morning? I hope you're doing well and you're feeling the positivity radiating around you! I suppose it might not be morning when you read this, but I hope that whatever time it may be, you're feeling the universe working with you. I just wanted to do a quick check in, say hi, not really get into anything too heavy today. I also wanted to say I hope you had a great Shambhala Day, a great Chinese New Year, or a great Mardi Gras, whatever you celebrate, they were all happening in the last few days, so I'm hoping that if any of you celebrate any of those holidays that you did so in fabulous style.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Shambhala Day 2016
Hello Lovelies,
Happy Shambhala Day to you! If you don't know what Shambhala Day is, it's the Tibetan new year. I know you may be wondering what this has to do with anything, but as a taoist/zen buddhist, Shambhala Day is the equivalent of Christmas in these circles. It's a major holiday, just like Chinese New Year. So, again, joyous Shambhala Day to you!
This is my first year celebrating Shambhala Day, I've only decidedly been taoist and zen buddhist since the mid-2015. I will by no means speak as though I'm an expert on this today, but from what I gather, it's basically a karmic cleansing and celebration for the new year. So, typically one would start the day with meditation to center oneself. Then it would be normal to cleanse your house by opening every door, closet, or drawer and burning juniper while doing a simple chant to invite positive spirits and energy; though if you don't know the chant or don't really understand it, you can just think positive thoughts to invite those spirits. Then get ready for your day by dressing up. We want to be excited for this new year, and we want to bring it in with our best foot forward. Next, spend some time reflecting on your life, preferably in nature, and contemplating new choices you can make this year to make it the life you want. You can also do some research about the animal of the year, in this case, the fire monkey. And that's about it, unless you want to head to a shambhala center or buddhist center, where they will undoubtedly have celebrations.
Basically, it's about starting the year off on a good note, clearing out those karmic dust bunnies, and starting the year off with positivity. I'm excited today. I'm happy today. I'm approaching today as a celebration, even though I am going to work in just a bit. I'm going to carry my positivity, and the spirit of shambhala day with me throughout my day. I want my day today to be lived with a peaceful, gentle, and loving heart. That's what will be my guide today. I gave my spare change to a homeless man outside Starbucks this morning for that very reason. I didn't hesitate or really think about it at all, I just knew I had change and I could afford to spare it, so I gave it to him. It might not make a huge difference for him, or maybe it will, but it didn't hurt me any, and it might help him, so why not?
It's Shambhala Day, let's spread the love, gentleness, peacefulness, and be kindhearted today. It takes nothing from us, but maybe a moment to rethink our initial reaction, but it helps start our year out on the right foot. Today, if only just for today, let's give today the best version of ourselves. Let's speak a little kinder, love a little harder, spread a little more joy, act a little more gently, etc. We can do this. And let's be excited for this new year! Let's embrace today as we do Christmas, and treat everyone as we do during the holiday season. Let's start our karma off right. Let's be the best version of ourselves possible. Let's make ourselves, our loved ones, our ancestors, our divine inner being, proud by being the person that makes everyone's day a little brighter just by shining a little brighter ourselves.
As always lovelies, have an amazing day! You are going to do amazing things, I know it, and I believe in you! Now let's go enchant the rest of the world!
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Why "Enchant Me Inspired"?

Friday, February 5, 2016
How are you doing this fine day?? I hope you're doing well! I hope you've had someone tell you that you're awesome and you are rocking this day! If you haven't, well hey hey hey, guess what? You are AWESOME and you are ROCKING this day! Bam! Just like that, day made :) Oh, hey, and one other thing, you look amazing. Like seriously, that thing you're doing with you hair, mhmm, keep that up #killingit :D
Anywho! Today's post is just a random one, duhr, hence the title. I just wanted to check in, say hey, have a little bit of an easy day. I told y'all I'm gonna have days where I just talk the easy peasy, boring, what goes on in every day life stuff. Today is that day. It has come.
So yeah. I took my pup out for a walk, she was pretty good, she has a tendency to whine when we see other dogs, yayyyy, best thing ever...lol. But other than that, she was good! It's always nice to just get out with her. We're going to make a trip to Starbucks here in a bit and get her a pupaccino(I have no idea how you spell that lol). Because in case you guys were doubting my need for Starbucks, there you go, I'm so addicted, I also have my dog getting cups of whipped cream, and the barista's where we used to live just knew. They knew that every Saturday morning we'd come by and my Daisy-do was going to get a pupaccino. I think I've only had one barista not know what I was talking about, so if you want your dog addicted, "pupaccino", that's the code word.
Other than that, I just bought a Toothless shirt from Hot Topic! I'm so stoked!!! It's ADORABLE! It's actually a guys shirt, but whatever, I'm sure it'll fit fine, and even if it doesn't, fine, then it can be a night shirt. I ain't picky! I just love me some Toothless. And then *cough I might have a problem cough*, I spent around 30-40 minutes looking on Etsy for stuff with Toothless on it. And then, I may have looked for stuff with Baymax on it. AND THEN, I may have looked for stuff with Toothless and Baymax. That may or may not have been followed up by searching Pinterest for stuff with Toothless and Baymax as well....maybe Starbucks isn't my only problem...But really, I just think that they're both adorable! And I want my own Toothless, Daisy kind of already is a Toothless, but come on, Toothless is adorkable! And Baymax is just like this life-size teddy bear. How could you not want a Baymax? Anyway, that was my little online searching for things that make me happy :) And now I'm getting a Toothless shirt, so yay me! Now I'm just waiting trying to find a little Toothless figurine or something that I can have on my nightstand. That's on my to find list! I may have added a thing or two to my favorites list on Etsy that I'm considering... :)
But yeah! I told you, this was going to be a short one, and sure enough, I'm pretty much done! Maybe I'll have more to add later, but for now, I think I'm good! If you love yourself some Toothless or Baymax, share with me your favorite thing of theirs so I can maybe buy it for myself! And I'll post a photo once I get my shirt in case any of you want it too. Hot Topic, that's where I got mine, so check it out. And if you haven't used Etsy, oh man, you're missing out on a world of wonder. Go and check Etsy out if you haven't. It's like Amazon, but it's all homemade stuff, so you can find literally anything on there. I have found some amazing gifts on Etsy that the people have loved! Some examples: a gun mug(literally a mug that is in the shape of a gun for my police officer brother), a Spartan warrior picture on a Roman encyclopedia page(my other brother LOVED that), long distance love mugs(for my bestie when I moved away from home for school), a super cute bird's nest necklace with a baby bird in it(for my sister's first Mother's Day), etc. Trust me, they have adorable stuff, and some amazing artwork! I buy a lot of artwork on Etsy cuz it's amazing stuff, for amazing prices. Check it out! Okay, that's enough of my Etsy plug...I better be getting paid for that...
Anyway, that's all for today folks :) Oh, in case you didn't believe me, here's a picture of my pupaccino loving pup :)
Thursday, February 4, 2016
So glad you came back :) I hope you're enjoying what I have to say so far. Though let's be honest, clearly you are, or you wouldn't be back, am I right? Yes, don't lie. So! Today, or quite frankly, more like 20 minutes ago, I was thinking about how I sometimes forget who I am, not like I have amnesia or Alzheimers, don't worry, I know you were worried for a second there, but in all seriousness I forget what makes me me. I hate that. I hate going about my day and feeling like I'm this shell of myself because I work in customer service, and I'm working long hours(read my last post for more on that. Oh, and in case you were wondering, I start the new job in 2 weeks. Wahoo!), so I have to put who I really am on the back burner a little bit. But, I don't like being the super nice person that everyone feels they can walk all over.
I have one hell of a backbone. I have gone through a lot in my short 20 some-odd years on this planet. I will fully admit that I've put myself in many of the positions that have forced me to be strong, but either way, I'm grateful. My husband has said that one of the things he liked most about me when he met me was that I was sassy and spunky and I didn't take crap from people. I've always been someone that's not afraid to say what I think, no matter the consequence. Now, this attitude may have gotten me in a LOT of trouble as of late, but I still don't give a rip. I am who I am, and you can take it or leave it because I don't really care what you think if you don't like me. It's taken me this many years to get to a place where I like myself unconditionally, and I've since stopped caring what other people thought of me. I know a lot of people struggle with having that confidence, and honestly I don't really consider it confidence, I just consider it strength. I know that I've gone through a lot of crap that most people never do, so I know myself really well. I've spent a lot of time digging through layer after layer of dirt, sweat, and tears to get to who I am on the inside, and I am the most juxtaposed person you will ever meet. I am on one hand, super sweet, eager to lend a hand, very attached, etc. On the other hand, I am a smart-ass, I will argue with you, I'll pick on you, in general, I'll be more a problem child. These two sides come together to make up me.
I am gaining back the wisdom I had years ago about who I am, and what I'm capable of, and I'm loving it. I am a lot of things, but if I had to choose one word, I would say I'm a fighter. I fight for what I believe in, though I'm willing to have my beliefs change with me as I grow and learn. I fight for my friendships and relationships, once I bond with you, I will do anything I can to keep that relationship. I fight for the underdog, because I know what it feels like to be on the bottom and have no one believe in you. I fight for honesty and integrity and being a good person, because, well duh. And when I say I fight, I mean, I love the quote that if nobody hates you, you're doing something wrong. I say: make enemies, burn bridges, be unequivocally you, because the people that are going to love you, are going to love you even with your craziness, but the people that aren't really part of your group, and don't really love you, well they won't stick around. And believe me, it's not easy being this way, because most people don't understand who I am, so they walk away, or treat me like dirt. It's not easy walking away from those people, because I don't like giving up on people, but once you wrong me, nuh-uh sweetheart, you're done. I don't have time for part-time people in my life. Sorry Felicia.
This brings me back to the title of this post, tattoos! Yay tattoos! I have a few, but I want more, and I was thinking this evening, I really want to get a few more done soon because I feel like having these symbols that show the different sides to me really helps to show people, immediately, who I am. I have a heart and a star on my left wrist, and I love them, absolutely, but they're very soft and feminine. But now, I want a bear and wolf tattoo because my spirit animal is a bear, and my totem animal is a wolf. So I want both. Because to me, it's a way of reminding myself, and showing others, "Hey, this is who I am." When I forget that I'm a badass that doesn't take shit from anyone, I can glance down and see that bear or wolf and remember, "Oh no. We do things a little differently here. I don't play that game my friend, go find someone else." I already see the soft feminine tattoos and think, "Oh, pretty pink fluffy bunnies, hopping through a green grassy meadow." Not really, but you get the idea. I want tattoos that represent who I am now, and that's a bear or a wolf. An animal that is super gentle with those it loves, but vicious when under attack. Welcome to the story of me.
To me, that's what tattoos are: they're a story. They show who you were in a perfect snapshot. For the rest of your life, you have a snippet of that exact day and time of your life, and where you were mentally and emotionally, and to me, that's beautiful. Nowadays, we're all so into having Facebook and Instagram to capture every moment of our lives and share them, and I think that's part of why tattoos are becoming so mainstream; because they are a way of saving a moment of our lives, permanently into our skin. And in this world of overexposure, who doesn't want that? Well, certainly some people don't, but you know what I mean. Anyway, tattoos are important and hold significant value to me. And I think that sometimes getting a tattoo is a way of healing, and sometimes it's a way of reminding yourself who you are, and sometimes it's just because it's pretty and you're drunk, but in the end, it's the story of your life. They represent you. Each tattoo is a snippet of the story of you.
If you have tattoos, feel free to share in the comments and tell me what you have and what it means to you. If you want a tattoo, tell me that too! Tattoos are an important turning point in this brave new world we're creating, and I personally, love them and the people who have them all the more for them. So here's to the brave people who show everyone they meet a slice of who they are by having tattoos.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Hello lovelies,
Welcome back :) I'm so glad you're here! I know there was a bit of a delay in getting this next post out, but, that's life; things come up, chaos erupts, and next thing you know, it's been days since your first post. So, my apologies for the oh-so-overdue post, but here goes!
Since I last wrote in and talked to all of you, I'd been frustrated with my job, feeling like maybe it wasn't really for me, maybe I didn't belong in the industry I've chosen to get back into, and other things. I was very much on the entrepreneurship train! And I still am on that train, absolutely, however, I've also had some other things hop on board with me, that have me thinking about my future, and what that may in fact look like. So, getting to the title of this post, intention, I set an intention through a Facebook group of women that are all about making your dreams happen and making your life the success story you want it to be. I wrote in on the day we were talking about manifesting our dreams, and I happened to write that "I want" to get a job that makes me happy and that leaves time for me to spend with my fur child, because, whether anyone understands it or not, I feel like Daisy is my child, and I want to spend as much time with her as possible.
I read a quote a long time ago that said "dogs have such short lives, and they spend most of it waiting for us to get home". That really hit home for me. I love Daisy, and she is my child, and I know that I didn't do amazing things with her when she was a pup, but I'd like to think I'm helping make up for that now. So, when I read that, it really struck a nerve, but then came the day that really broke my heart. I read another quote. If you haven't already guessed by now, quotes are HUGE for me; prepare yourself to get an influx of inspiration and thought provoking quotations in your memory banks. This other quote was something along the lines of how we, as humans, have work, have friends, have TV, have all kinds of things that make up our lives, but for our dogs, we are their life. They don't have a job to go to, they don't get to see their friends, unless we humans take them out, they don't have TV to entertain themselves, they have fetch and other interactive games that involve US, their humans. So when I stopped and thought about life from my dogs perspective, I realized that I was failing as a mom. I wasn't giving her the love and attention and freedom that she deserved. In came the change. I was fortunate enough to be working part time at this point, when I read these quotes, and I said to myself, no more. I was no longer going to be one of those people that had a dog as a pet, not a dog as a family member. I started taking her out on even longer walks, I started taking her anywhere I could when I drove around. If I went to get gas, she came too. If I went to the pet store to buy her food, she went too. If I went to the beach, she went too. Anywhere I went that she could go, she came. I started thinking about her more as my child, and less as my pet, and that was really when things started changing.
I didn't realize it until I got a job after moving that involved more hours and a longer commute, so that time with my Daisy was suddenly almost non-existent, that I wanted that time with my Diddle. She is my child. People work part time hours when they have little kids; they want to be home with their kids or be there for sports events or other things. I wanted to be there for Daisy. I wanted to be there to take her for walks, to take her to explore these new places, to take her to really experience life, like she deserves. I know that I'm not doing a great job, she doesn't go kayaking or surfing or other crazy stuff that people do with their dogs, but I'm doing the best that I can where I am. Maybe in another few years we'll be kayaking with her or doing stand up paddle boarding with her, who knows! But for now, I felt like I was abandoning her, and failing her as a mom. So, I kept applying for jobs with fewer hours so that I could have more time with her.
I realized that I'd rather cut back on my living expenses(have a cheaper house, not go out to eat as much, not buy designer purses, etc) and have time for the important stuff, and still be able to make ends meet working part time, than have all of those extra perks and less time with Daisy. Like I said, I didn't realize it at the time, but things started changing when I started treating Daisy like a child, instead of like a dog. My entire perspective about work, and what it meant to work as an adult, shifted. I realized I didn't have to work 40 hour weeks. Just because that's what most people do, doesn't mean that's what I have to do. Once I realized that, I felt insanely liberated. When I realized that I could just shift my life goals to, instead of buying a bigger house or nicer things, to working as few hours as possible while still being able to make ends meet, I was ready to do that. I don't mind working, and I'd even gladly work from home, but the long hours at work, plus a commute, oh no, that was not going to fly.
I've always considered myself an odd duck, and once I realized that I was going against the grain of society in saying, I want to work as few hours as possible, so that I have maximum time with Daisy, while still being able to not be insanely bored or broke, and therefore homeless, I felt like I was excited for my future again. My future was no longer, "what career am I going to have that will fill up my days", it became, "what job can I do part time that will pay enough". That, ladies and gentlemen, was like jumping in a pool on a hot summer day; suddenly life was open and exciting again. I felt like a little kid, when you know the world is your oyster, but you don't REALLY know what that means...you know the feeling! Yeah, I felt like that again. I could do whatever I wanted, because it wasn't going to necessarily be a career! How many part time workers do you know that have a career in what they're doing part time? Probably not many. Part time work isn't your career, it's part time, it can't be. So that stress was instantly gone.
So, again, back to the title, sorry, I got a little side tracked there :) (it happens hehe). I posted that "manifestation" on Facebook after having gone to an interview for a more part time position at a different company before work(and mind you, no commute time with that job either), and then going to training for a solid 8 hour day, plus a 30 minute commute each way, yayyyyy....totally part time hours...not! As I was going to lunch, I checked my phone and saw that I had a comment back from one of the leaders of the group, and she said that instead of saying "I want", I should say, "I am"(i.e.: I AM going to get a job I want that allows me to spend more time with Daisy). So I mentally amended my manifestation and made a mental note that I trusted the universe would do whatever was right for me. I went through the rest of my day and the next day not really thinking about my manifestation, I was trusting in the universe. Then, on the day after my interview, as I am on my way home from training, again, I get a phone call from the more part time company offering me the job. I was BEYOND excited! I was going to take a slight dip in pay, but I was suddenly going to have an extra 15-20 hours a week with my baby! I was absolutely, hands down, ecstatic! I immediately wrote back to the group leader on Facebook and told her what had happened, and she wasn't surprised in the least. And that was when I knew, these ladies were the real deal. They are solidly in my favorites group on Facebook, that I want to see what they have to say. I already knew that setting intentions worked, I'd been told that by other people in the past. I had done it before, where I changed my thoughts from what was going wrong in life, to what I "knew" was going to happen, and sure enough, each time, when I sent my positive thoughts to what I wanted to happen, it happened. I am a firm believer in intention setting now, and I strongly urge you to try it! I know that it sounds cheesy and new-agey, but give it a go, what do you have to lose!?
Honestly, intention setting is just like riding a horse, hopefully at least some of you will understand this haha. When you ride a horse, they tell you to look where you want the horse to go, because most new riders look at the horse, not at the trail or wherever they're riding, so your horse will then just wander. However, the minute you look up, and you look where you want your horse to go, the horse goes there! The first time I was on a horse, I was absolutely looking down at the horse, I mean, come on, it's a horse, they're adorable! So my horse kept wandering wherever, and I was having to constantly redirect her. Once the instructor told me to look where I wanted the horse to go, I did, and BAM, the horse walked straight that direction, no problems, no more directing necessary. I was absolutely shocked! And intention setting is the same way! If you don't have any intentions set, you're just going through life, accepting whatever comes your way; but, if you set intentions, you are telling life where you're going, not the other way around.
So, I challenge you, my lovely reader, tomorrow morning, set the intention that "today is going to be a good day", as soon as you get up. Don't wait around and let the day decide for you whether it's a good day or not, you TELL that day that it's going to be a good one. See if it makes a difference or not. I bet it will! And then, or if you already do that, set bigger intentions! Come on! Let's go big or go home! Set some intentions and let the universe work WITH you to make them happen!
If you want a great book to read about this whole intention setting business, I HIGHLY recommend The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, it's an amazing read, well worth your time, and it's all about how this young boy spends his life wanting more than what he has, but being afraid he can't get it, suffering setbacks, and then realizing once he sets his intention, the universe conspires on his behalf to make it happen. There's a fun little extra bit about life and how things circle around that you'll probably enjoy too.
All in all, I mean it guys, set intentions, be bold, be brave, tell the universe, you ARE going to have the life you want! What do you have to lose? Let's give it a go! From one exceptionally grateful mom(and a very grateful pup as well) to you, I promise, you won't be disappointed :)
Keep It Simple-A Guide to the Holiday Season
Hello Lovelies, I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving- maybe even watched one of my recommended Thanksgiving movies...hmm? Okay, y...

Hello Lovelies, I have something a little personal to share with you all today. I lost my best friend in 2006, and I have long since stru...
Hello Lovelies, A bright moon and stars twinkled and shone. Wishing you a belated Mid-Autumn Festival, bliss, and happiness! For th...
Good Morning Lovelies, How is everyone doing this lovely Friday? I won't lie, it's not really a lovely Friday here in the Paci...