Hello Again Lovelies!
Happy almost Thanksgiving, or turkey day, or friendsgiving, whatever you may call it in your corner of the world! I know it's short notice, but I had a bit of a go trying to wrangle up five movies that really
felt like Thanksgiving. There's not a lot of cinema out there that focuses on Thanksgiving, and those that do, typically end up going into Christmas as well. So, rather than trying to find those movies, I opted instead for movies that gave off those thankful, grateful, blessed, family, love feels. So, though they may not have anything to
do with Thanksgiving, I think that you'll agree they
feel like Thanksgiving. So, let's get started! Oh! And just like with my Halloween list, the movie titles are links to Amazon if you decide you want to purchase one-I try to make it easy for you.
Umm, hello, does it get more Thanksgiving than this? Family, love, gratitude, blessings, and football? Granted, I don't partake in the whole watching football on Thanksgiving, I'm more of a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade kind of gal, but I know there's a very religious following of football watchers come Thanksgiving day! And bonus, they actually have a Thanksgiving scene, woo! So it double fits the bill...check and check!
Again super Thanksgiving feels here! You're going to fall in love with this little family, and how much they love each other, support each other, etc. Auggie is an amazing character that has every reason to be scared or afraid of life, but he embraces it, and how he flourishes! The entire film will have you rethinking how you interact with people, wanting to be your best self, and wanting to hug your family, and really embrace those that love you. It's a beautiful, inspiring film that is going to give you all the "#blessed" feels.
Gah, this movie! I just watched this for the first time a week ago, and it was adorable! It gave me all the family, acceptance, love, etc, feels. Paddington is so adorable, you can't help but love that adorable little bear with the marmalade habit! It's an adorable film that fills you with the warm and fuzzies-bear puns aside. You have to give it a try if you haven't already!
And also, I have to say, I love kids movies that don't go too dark, that are just a light easy watch-think Bee Movie or Emperor's New Groove-and this one delivers. So, if you or your kiddos want a nice, easy movie to try, this one will be the ticket! Cheerio, I dare say!
This movie! I just rewatched this last night, and it is still just as sweet and beautiful as I remembered. It's about a young man that learns he can travel in time. It follows his quest for love, and his love of family. Equal parts funny and poignant, it's a beautiful film. And at the end, you really get those grateful feels, as he says how he chooses to use his time traveling abilities. A movie about love, in all of its forms-the love you have for your parents, your siblings, your significant other, your friends, and your children...it really is a
lovely film.
Alright, last but not least, we finish with one final family film that centers around coming together and working together to make life the life you never thought you'd have. It's an adorably sweet film, based on a true story, that just makes you want to do something crazy with your family, just because you can. "All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something good will come of it." If that doesn't give you the inspiration you need to add this to your list of Thanksgiving movies, well, then I just don't even know what else there is to say.

Woo! You only thought we were done...bonus movie again! So this one is now, last but not least. And, I know, I know, Frozen gets enough air time, we don't need to add more reasons to play it....again. But it's a delightful little movie, and, it's got snow, and winter feels, which kind of seem like Thanksgiving, right? Right. Though, I suppose if you really can't bring yourself to watch it again, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Moana, Lilo & Stitch, The Incredibles, or even 101 Dalmations are all good "family-focused" movies for you to sub out for this one.
So! There you have it! My top picks for movies to watch this week leading up to Thanksgiving, and maybe even the day of-rather than football. Let me know in the comments what your favorites are, or what you think of adding these to your "to-watch" list. Also, if you've seen Instant Family, would you add it to the list? I haven't seen it yet, but it is on my list! Maybe next year it can be an add-on...decisions, decisions.
Wishing you all a wonderful, and meaningful, Thanksgiving this year. And may you gobble till you wobble!
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